Minggu, 22 Maret 2020



Emas adalah yang paling lentur, semuanya setara. Emas adalah individu dari logam yang berubah dan duduk di bagian meja yang sama sesekali dengan perak dan tembaga. Perselingkuhan sosial dimana emas dapat ditemukan biasanya dinamai kelompok logam koin karena individu-individu biasanya terbiasa membuat uang tunai. Emas, sejujurnya, adalah salah satu logam utama yang diketahui manusia dengan akarnya kembali ke 3400 SM oleh orang Mesir.

taukah kalian apa itu Gdigit (GLDS)? 

Gdigit (GLDS) adalah sebuah proyek besar yang memberikan sinergi efektif teknologi digital tinggi dengan sektor riil ekonomi - yaitu, dengan ekstraksi emas dan logam mulia lainnya.

Perbedaan antara proyek dan analognya adalah bahwa setiap token GLDS memiliki setara emas (sama dengan 0,02 gram emas), yang memberikan stabilitas tinggi dan daya tarik investasi.

GLDS didasarkan pada bisnis yang ada untuk mengembangkan bijih emas dan deposito placer di Republik Kazakhstan, Kalbatau Inter Gold LLP dan NURSULTAN GOLD LLP adalah bagian dari GoLd Didital Standart Corporation Limited. Ladang yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan kami berlokasi di wilayah Kazakhstan Timur di negara itu. Perusahaan menjalankan bisnis yang benar-benar sah dan memiliki akuntansi dan pelaporan yang transparan.

  ICO  Babak pertama

1. Putaran ICO utama dimulai pada 15 Februari 2020 dan akan dibagi menjadi beberapa tahap.

2. Putaran ICO utama akan selesai pada 15 Agustus 2020 atau sebelumnya, jika semua token dijual.

3. Secara total, 12,5 juta token GLDS akan disiapkan untuk penjualan.

4. Pada saat yang sama, proyek menawarkan pelanggan sistem bonus yang menyenangkan.

5. Sistem ini sebenarnya memberi investor lebih banyak bonus saat membeli.

6. Saat menjual 4.000.000 GLDS pertama, pembeli akan menerima bonus 25% (bonus dibayarkan oleh token proyek ke dompet pengguna.

7. Token bonus akan tetap beku sampai 12/05/2020) Pembeli 5.000.000 GLDS berikutnya akan menerima bonus 20% (bonus dibayarkan oleh token proyek ke dompet pengguna.

8. Token bonus akan tetap beku sampai 15/12/2020) Saat menjual 1.500.000 GLDS yang tersisa, pembeli akan menerima bonus 10% (bonus dibayarkan oleh token proyek ke dompet pengguna.

9. Token bonus akan tetap beku sampai 12/25/2020)

Ringkasan tentang proyek ini: 

Tujuan utama bisnis ini adalah membuat emas lebih menarik dan lebih bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Gdigit (GLDS) menerima penggunaan bentuk-bentuk kriptografi untuk memberikan uang secara kritis.

Untuk mencapai tujuan yang mereka tetapkan di depan, mereka membuat mata uang digital terdesentralisasi mereka sendiri sebagai komponen bisnis GLDS: itu bergantung pada gagasan yang sangat mekanis untuk mencapai likuiditas tinggi untuk token bisnis. Setiap koin yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan mereka didukung oleh 0,02 gram emas dengan mengintegrasikan dua instrumen spekulatif yang tampaknya terpisah dari dunia: emas dan bentuk uang digital. Setiap anggota inisiatif GLDS memiliki kesempatan untuk membuat awal yang sangat inovatif, tetapi dijamin penghasilan otomatis, apa pun yang membawa kehidupan. Situs web

untuk informasi lebih rinci silahkan kunjungi link dibawah ini  

Website: http://gdigit.io/

White Paper: http://gdigit.io/WhitePaperGdigitRu.pdf

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GLDSteam

Twitter: https://twitter.com/GLDS_project

Telegram: https://t.me/GLDS_project

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/gdigit/

Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/Gdigit

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZT2UPccdMbm7CO45w2Jk0Q/

Ann: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5223253


nama : sayonk

alamat dompet ETH ; 0xCb617A30b895eeb5e37aB7654c6F940A7A6DDFe4

Sabtu, 21 Maret 2020


CERLOS adalah satu-satunya perusahaan bahan bangunan ramah lingkungan di dunia.

Selain itu, dalam hampir semua kasus, produk CERLOS lebih unggul dalam kinerjanya dibandingkan produk-produk yang sebanding pada titik harga yang sama atau lebih murah daripada yang sebanding. Produk CERLOS dibuat dengan cara yang bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan. Proses kepemilikan, biaya rendah, dan energi kami yang eksklusif mengubah serat kayu dan residu pertanian menjadi produk bangunan berkinerja tinggi untuk bangunan hijau.


CARLOS adalah satu-satunya perusahaan bahan bangunan ramah lingkungan di dunia.
CERLOS adalah bahan bangunan ramah lingkungan, berkelanjutan, berkinerja tinggi yang tahan api, jamur, busuk dan tahan serangga. CERLOS lahir dari keinginan kami untuk menyelesaikan empat masalah global: (1) limbah pertanian / kehutanan, (2) kekurangan energi, (3) bahan bangunan berbahaya, dan (4) bahan ramah lingkungan. Akibatnya, itu akan meningkatkan kualitas hidup secara fisik, finansial dan lingkungan. CERLOS mengadakan penggalangan dana melalui IEO sehingga kami dapat membangun fasilitas manufaktur untuk produksi komersial produk CERLOS. Kami menyambut peluang investasi, kemitraan strategis dan perwakilan bersertifikat untuk bergabung dengan kami.

CERLOS dilahirkan melalui keinginan mereka untuk menyelesaikan empat masalah global; limbah pertanian / kehutanan, kekurangan energi, bahan bangunan berbahaya dan ramah lingkungan.
mereka tidak hanya merombak limbah pertanian atau kehutanan, tetapi juga ramah lingkungan dalam pembuatan dan penerapannya. CERLOS tersedia pada titik harga yang sama atau kurang dari produk kompetitornya. Bahan baru dan eksklusif ini secara fundamental akan mengubah industri bahan bangunan triliunan dolar.

Visi dan misi Cerlos adalah

akan menjadi pemasok global produk bangunan berkelanjutan, yang awalnya mempercepat operasi manufaktur berkapasitas tinggi di Amerika Utara, diikuti oleh Eropa, Amerika Latin dan Asia-Pasifik.

Lini produk peluncuran pasar MOXY OID akan berpihak / cladding / fascia, diikuti oleh produk-produk atap, dan kemudian panel, menggantikan papan kompetitif, namun lebih rendah (OSB) terdampar, kayu lapis, papan terdampar berorientasi (OSB), papan serat kepadatan menengah dan tinggi (MDF) / HDF) dan kayu rekayasa lainnya, semen serat, papan plastik MgO, dan produk komposit lainnya termasuk drywall.


Aplikasi paten.
Pilih lokasi untuk membangun fasilitas produksi berkapasitas tinggi di Pacific Northwest. Situs harus memiliki akses kereta api dan transportasi jalan. Fasilitas harus seluas 60.000 hingga 80.000 kaki persegi dengan area sekitar 10 hingga 20 hektar untuk menampung material masuk dan keluar. Awalnya, kami lebih suka menyewakan properti dan bangunan.

Menggunakan media tradisional untuk memasarkan produk CERLOS ke komunitas bahan bangunan.
Gunakan pemasaran influencer untuk membawa produk CERLOS menjadi perhatian pemilik rumah dan bangunan.

Perkenalkan program CERLOS Certified Representatives dengan maksud untuk menciptakan tenaga penjualan regional dan nasional yang kuat yang dilatih untuk menggunakan dan mempromosikan produk-produk CERLOS.



● TUJUAN MINIMUM: $ 2.000.000

● TUJUAN FUNDRAIS: $ 20.800.000



● YURISDIKSI: Labuan - Malaysia

● KELAS ASET: Token Beragun Aset

● HAK INVESTOR: Hak untuk menerima penghasilan yang dikaitkan dengan keuntungan


Peta Jalan 

Alan Heywood (President & CTO) membeli paten dan membentuk C-Max Technologies International Inc.

Penelitian dan pengujian laboratorium. IP dikembangkan. $ 12 juta dihabiskan untuk R&D.

Teknologi C-Max dibubarkan. Alan mengembangkan teknologi sebagai pemilik tunggal.

Alan terus meneliti, dengan fokus pada sumber bahan dan peralatan proses. Keterlibatan dengan Corvallis Tool Company dari Oregan untuk mendesain dan memproduksi desain awal. Selanjutnya $ 1 Juta dihabiskan untuk R&D.

MOXY OID didirikan untuk membantu manajemen dan komersialisasi teknologi. Biaya: $ 2 Juta.

Fasilitas proses Pilot Plant dibangun di Belanda oleh grup VDL Enabling Technologies. Produksi volume tinggi divalidasi. $ 7 Juta dihabiskan.

Persiapan dan pengembangan situs web dan dokumen untuk pendanaan fasilitas manufaktur volume tinggi dan persyaratan hukum. Biaya $ 500k.

Maret 2020
Awal Pra-Penjualan
Kuartal Pertama 2020
Mulai desain / bangun berkapasitas tinggi dari lini manufaktur
Kuartal Kedua 2020
Pemilihan Situs Kanada / AS
Kuartal Kedua 2021
Pekerjaan Pertama Berkapasitas Tinggi 450 juta kaki2 per tahun di Amerika Utara

Untuk mendapatkan informasi yang lebih jelas, kunjungi tautan di bawah:

● Situs web: https://cerlos.io/
● ANN Thread: http: // xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /
● Telegram: https://t.me/moxy_cerlos
● Papan Tulis: https://cerlos.io/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Cerlos_Whitepaper_v3.pdf
● LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/company/moxyoid/
● Twitter: https://twitter.com/Moxy_CERLOS
● Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MoxyMakesCerlos/
● Instagram: https://linkedin.com/company/moxyoid/
● YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-aWkf565-blgwQOo8AnhzQ
● Medium: https://medium.com/@moxy_cerlos


nama pengguna: sayonk
profil tautan: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=992137;sa=summary
alamat ETH: 0xCb617A30b895eeb5e37aB7654c6F940A7A6DDFe4


Insure is A Blockchain-based crypto-insurance company

inSure is one of the crypto projects that was launched in mid-2019 ago, although not yet one year old, but this project looks able to compete in the crypto world. The service that InSure offers, is insurance in the crypto portfolio. So this is the problem, if we often see someone posting about victims of fraud or ourselves have been fooled and lost a large amount of assets, inSure can help pay back a number of assets with stolen or lost tokens, of course with some strict requirements.

What is the plan?

Their start is to look for and prevent things that can give a big blow to public funds and that they can lose all of their monetary ownership in one project. Their goal is very easy to form a stable and safe crypto world for investors from scammers who come and cheat individuals repeatedly.

Insurance Package

They will provide eight levels of insurance plans for their investors.

Beginner 1, Beginner 2, Startup, Advanced, Premium, Pro, Gold, Diamond. The minimum investment is from 2,500 sure to a maximum of 500,000 sure. The best yield investor can buy a Diamond set up that can provide a 100 percent refund. we will be able to choose one of them as we wish.


"Beginner 1" Level:

Get a validity period of 1/3 years or 4 months calculated from the first day of holding a SURE token. So after exceeding that time interval, it can't.

Scammers 80%, if we lose money from a scammer, InSure can only pay back as much as 80% of the total assets we have.

Devalution of 70%, if we lose the value of a currency due to devaluation, Insure can only pay back as much as 70% of the total assets we have.

(Devaluation is a decrease in the value of the domestic currency against foreign currencies)

Funds Stolen 50%, if we lose assets due to theft, InSure can only pay back as much as 50% of the total assets we have

The insured value of $ 1000, is the maximum amount insured.
SURE 2500 tokens are required, we must hold 2500 tokens sure to join this service.

About inSure Tokens.

inSure is an Ethereum blockchain based token provided by insurance companies as a utility token for the platform. The current transaction speed is quite fast and with the release of Ethereum 2.0, it will be faster. This token is on Eth mainnet and can be used with any ERC20-supported wallet.

With clear enduring transactions, this is one of the most effective projects that maintains our privacy. If we all meet the requirements, then they will transfer certain tokens to our wallet based on the insurance we have entered. They also place purchase orders on the market so we can sell tokens that we definitely get and get our funds. But again it's up to us that we only need to sell or not.

Token info:

Token name: inSure(SURE)

Total Supply: 88,000,000,000 SURE

IEO Date: 2020–03–02 15:00

Token for sale: 120000 sure

If you want to join or protect your assets through this inSure service, you must have a plan or choice as stated on this website https://insuretoken.net/plans.html

For more information, please visit the link below


Username; fickiy

Bitcointalk link profile; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=992137

ETH wallet address; 0xCb617A30b895eeb5e37aB7654c6F940A7A6DDFe4

Selasa, 18 Februari 2020

Ioox coin

Ioox coin

About ioox

A young team with a clear vision, use Blockchain Technology to use ioox Coin and other cryptocurrency in everyday life. Every day.

The main objective of ioox is to make ioox payment technology used by the masses, creating financial inclusion. if we participate in the ioox project this means we are indirectly a part of the future. Transactions via wearable devices are 40% faster and in a few years we will completely replace credit or debit card transactions. Today is an important day for them.

ioox does not believe in the confidentiality of transactions, they create obscurity and lack of control. ioox believes in transparency, is safer and can be verified. ioox coins are for every day, to pay for coffee, drinks. ioox coins are for ordinary people, who work, study or enjoy their well-deserved retirement. ioox coins will replace micro transactions with cash or credit cards, that's for every day.

Everyday people actually do transactions less than 10 dollars a day, ioox coins will infringe on the hearts of these people. This is destined for the adoption of real mass and the ioox Ring is also not a machine.

Ioox vision and mission

ioox has imagined the future. The closest future to ioox for payment systems. To do this we must forget the present and project our thoughts from time to time. IOX enters a new world, without paper payment instruments, without old credit cards. In the future, ioox will leave the house, enter the coffee shop and pay with ioox coins. ioox by putting the ioox ring on the chest reader.

In the near future they will pay with their ioox coins and their ioox rings which, in addition to allowing them to pay, will contain their basic information: Blood type, allergies, shelter, how many steps they take per day and what life expectancy they have based on our lifestyle. Enter our future

Early Release & Technology

ioox Technology integrates crypto-based currencies into the Blockchain ecosystem with the current payment system. we can do daily micro transactions, every day with ioox coins and an ioox-wearable system (rings or bracelets) and set a daily budget through remote settings. Therefore it will be possible to make payments with ioox coins in partner stores or in USD in stores that have not been activated.

Transparency & Trust

Through management tools, we can manage and remember our ring usage preferences. we can set daily payment limits and track monthly expenses. they want to build a transparent, fast and dynamic ecosystem. The new payment system, not a clone of the old system.

The advantage

Investor profits follow two paths. An increase in the value of a currency is proportional to the amount of use. they want to reach the masses, this is their goal. The second profit path comes from the sale of technology support, rings or bracelets with the IOOX brand

ioox Token allocation 

Public Sales: 20%

Personal Sales: 40%

Reserve Fund: 10%

Team & Founder: 15%

Gifts & Events: 6%

Advisors & Partners: 9%

Coin Name: ioox

Tickers / Symbol: ioox

Total Supply: 10,000,000,000 ioox

Decimal: 8

Contract Address: 0xf6923F7d96fc22c4b8010a865e41cF7edfB6379C

For more complete information

WEBSITE: https://ioox.org/

  TELEGRAM: https://t.me/iooxsystem

  WHITEPAPER: https://ioox.org/read/ioox-infographic.pdf

  ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5208857.

  FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/iooxSystemOfficial

  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/iooxsystem

  REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/IOOX-System

  LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/iooxsystem

  YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2WKFTxWlj6frB0fkmDdNwg


username: sayonk

bitcointalk profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=992137

ETH address: 0xCb617A30b895eeb5e37aB7654c6F940A7A6DDFe4

Relictum Pro

Relictum Pro

Relictum Pro

What is Relictum Pro blockchain 5.0?

Relictum Pro is an endless distributed registry with a smart contract system developed, describing (formalizing) every event in human life, from buying and selling goods and services, recording logistical events, to tracking copyright and interacting with legal entities, including a number of transactions Mandiri (smart contract) in all fields of activities.

Relictum Pro is also a scalable, hyper-present day blockchain, with a very far-sighted future. This is a stage that can be exploited both with multiple customers and with all the more dominant processors, the fundamental station, as is the case with the latest electronic and PC advancements, including quantum computers.

About the project

Relictum Pro is the most powerful intellectual platform that has existed for the last ten years, based on a completely new and unique generation of Blockchain 5.0. The main goal of which is to create a new distribution register for the formalization of the entire economic life of each individual. In other words, the 5.0 Blockchain contributes not only to recording events, but is also responsible for recording document flow, delivery, transportation, and logistics of both the user's personal activity and any other legal organization.

In a word, the Relictum Pro application intends to simultaneously solve several tasks at once, using its unique Protocol, which was developed on the basis of TCP IP. This, combined with Blockchain 5.0, will not only increase the speed of transmission of all transactions, but also form a virtual communication channel with each individual node via the world wide web. This method of transferring information allows Relictum Pro to transfer not only the most familiar information, but also entire blocks, bytes, and other types of files that are inherent to external users.

The main advantage of the Relictum Pro blockchain

they {Relictum Pro} have created an entirely new architecture for building chain blocks and their interactions with intelligent n-dimensional contracts; in addition, they implemented new network types and made their own consensus algorithms

1. Latest block architecture

Unique architecture of chains and blocks, with hashes in MasterChain and synchronization and sharing of information with n-dimensional smart contract parallel chains

2. Own communication technology

The network itself is an OSI transport layer virtual communication channel (HyperNet) based on the TCP / IP protocol over the Internet

3. Consensus of PoT itself

Unique consensus algorithm PoT (Proof of Tsar) with protection from hash impact, node typing and conditions.

Road map
  • Q2 - 2019

  1. Creating the concept of blockchain 5.0
  2. Creation of the first document formalizing the general provisions of the concept - White Paper
  3. Creation of the second document formalizing the technical provisions of the concept - Yellowpaper
  4. Presale (June 2019)

  • Q3 - 2019

  1. Creating an alpha version of the product, TEST-NET (0.1)
  2. Creation of an alpha version of the product, including a mobile application for Android / Windows, released from STAGE.TEST-NET (0.5) and DEV.TEST-NET (0.5)

  • Q4 - 2019

  1. Launch of the STO / Token Sale Procedure (December 9, 2019)
  2. Creating a relic broadcast receiver

  • Q1-2020

  1. Continuation of the token / STO procedure (2019/2020)
  2. Release of a stable version of the application, creation of a production blockchain

  • Q2 - 2020

  1. Continuation of the token / STO procedure (2019/2020)
  2. Completion of the token / STO procedure (June 2020)

  • Q3 - 2020

  1. Development of smart contracts on the platform, designed for different areas of life: insurance, casino, logistics, medicine

  • Q4 - 2020 

  1. Create a private network
  2. Network development, increasing the number of nodes

  • Q1 - Q4 - 2021

  1. Continuation of the network growth procedure
  2. Popularization of Relictum Coin (RLC)
  3. Development of sets of smart contracts on the platform, designed for various areas of government action

for more detailed information

  WEBSITE: https://relictum.pro/

  PARTNER: https://relictum.pro/partner-link/SxmA75L

  TELEGRAM: https://t.me/Relictum_Pro_Official

  WHITEPAPER: https://relictum.pro/cabinet/docs/whitepaper_en.pdf

  ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5221631

  FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/relictumpr/

  TWITTER: https://twitter.com/relictumpro

  MEDIUM: https://www.medium.com/@relictumpro

  REDDIT: https://www.reddit.com/user/relictumpro/

  LINKEDIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/relictumpro

  INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/relictum.pro/


username: sayonk 

ETH wallet address: 0xCb617A30b895eeb5e37aB7654c6F940A7A6DDFe4

EQ Token

EQ Token 

is a new method of crowdfunding shares on the blockchain i am sure that each of you at least once in your life was interested in various investment tools with which you can increase your capital. But despite the number of available tools, there is too large a pool of various pitfalls. Because of which, in fact, a very large number of people who want to take an honorable place in the investment industry are eliminated.

About the project and its features

It is important to note that the overall essence of the project is based on the EQ Token itself, which will be the main investment tool for the new crowd investment available in the decentralized network. Uncovering unlimited potential for everyone who wants to participate in investments and in new startup projects, as well as existing companies.

As you already understand, the presence of the blockchain structure will enable investors to avoid the most common crowdfunding problems in a centralized world such as:

operating opacity, and all related processes

and the absence of clear contract conditions, for violations that must be committed by those responsible for violations, and so on.

EQ20 token

The EQ20 token will become an ERC20 token. This token will be used to raise money so that the EQ Token can start. A total of 70 million tokens will be offered in the initial exchange offer at a price of $ 0.05 / token.

3% of all tokens generated through fully funded projects belong to the entire EQ20 Token team, so this token will be exchanged equally among all EQ20 token holders. Standard projects will be made with 100 million tokens. they will have 3 million of these tokens and so this will be transferred to all EQ20 holders. This means that for every 10,000 EQ20 tokens ($ 500) you buy, you will receive 300 tokens from every fully-funded project they have ever created so that investors in EQ20 will own shares in every company that has been helped by the EQ Token business. Ever! These tokens can then be sold on our decentralized exchange at any time or stored in your wallet so that any funded company starts to become successful, will start paying dividends directly into your wallet!

they also plan to send 25% of the 2% dividend fee to the EQ20 token holders too!

Why Blockchain?

So why is raising money using blockchain better than the current method?


The crowdfunding method currently has quite high costs. This is due to the fact that crowdfunding companies are rarely able to handle financial transactions themselves and often have to pay third parties for these services. By using cryptocurrency, they will be able to easily handle all transactions themselves, passing on financial savings to their customers.


The majority of crowdfunding companies cannot offer equity in return for investment because it is too difficult to track precisely who owns what and easily sells shares. Using Ethereum's smart contracts, they can easily divide 20% of the shares in a company into billions of small shares that can be traced back to individual Ethereum wallets to enable the distribution of profits (dividends) or the sale of tokens.


Since the first day of creating a token for a new project, you have 100% ownership of your token. You can send them to whoever you want, exchange them for whatever you want or even store them in an offline location to keep them safe. This type of freedom and ownership only comes with blockchain.

Funded Projects

Each project listed on their website must pay an administration fee of $ 200- $ 300 to register the project. These costs cover the initial project review so they can provide a basic risk / reward score. Each project will offer an initial% of their business in exchange for a certain amount of money. Every investment in the project will be held by them until the project is fully funded. If the project does not reach its target within the agreed timeframe, all investments will be returned. If a project achieves its funding goals, they will save funds until all legal checks / agreements are completed. The funds will then be traded in exchange for an agreed% from the company. The token will then be created and distributed to all investors.

When companies reach the stage where they can take profits, the company will send a few percent of the profits owed to their token holders.
And they will be able to distribute this amount equally among all token holders. If the company has been sold, part of the sale to the token holder will be sent to them.
And we will distribute it evenly among all token holders. We can also issue a voting feature to allow token holders to vote on every major decision of the company. For example if the token holder owns 20% of a company and there is a major shareholder vote, we can have all the voting holders. If 35% of token holders choose yes, 50% of token holders choose no, and the rest do not vote, then this can be conveyed back to the company, because 7% of the 20% of their shares voted yes, 10% chose no and 3% abstained from voting sound.

This will then be accounted for by the votes of 80% of other equity owners in the business. This feature must be introduced in year 3.

For more complete information

Website: https://www.eq-token.com/

  Telegram: http://t.me/eqtokengroup

  Whitpaper: https://8cd84f28-8000-4b5b-9dee-f2a2c3e22376.filesusr.com/ugd/33ca45_7636886924954932ac8b2732bdfda

  ANN THREAD: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5220943.msg53710117#msg53710117

  Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eqtoken

  Twitter: https://twitter.com/eqtoken


username: sayonk

profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=992137

eth wallet address: 0xCb617A30b895eeb5e37aB7654c6F940A7A6DDFe4